There are really big bugs in Kazakhstan. Like REALLY big bugs. There were these beetles that we saw at this bus stop an hour outside of Almaty (incidentally, if you should ever be so lucky to take the 12 hour bus ride from Almaty to Shymkent, for the love of God, don't eat either the okroshka or the plov) and they were crazy big. I think I'm going to loose my mind in Turkmenistan.
They looked something like this.
Bugs are ok, really, nothing to worry about. Just don't post any spider stories....or pictures....please.
Cheryl, funny you mentioned it, but today we went to this old Silk Road city which was really destroyed, but we were walking along and there were spiders whose bodies were the size of your thumb... and these little guys could MOVE. I started jumping around when our driver told us that there were poisonous spiders, which was really bad in hindsight, mostly because I was standing on top of a really big mud wall that did NOT have a lot of room to jump on. And I was wearing sandals. I hate spiders.